Notre site est momentanément en maintenance pour améliorer sa qualité et sa sécurité
Nous vous prions de nous excuser pour ce dérangement (reprise rapide attendue ).
ATTENTION SVP [Pour fermer cette fenêtre et voir le Menu cliquer ici]
For this department, we will only accept 2 demand(s) a month
, if they are in the same municipality, in the same or approaching period
(see each specificity according to the department to know if several municipalities are possibly accepted) NO demand after 1919 will be allowed.
If you use this page for the first time, think of reading terms & conditions.
These conditions will be considered as accepted when you send a demand via a form.
Fields spotted by * must be necessarily informed. The result of your demand will be published in our
data base
in your name and e-mail to allow other genealogists to contact you.
This web site is exclusively based on volunteers. Any commercial use of the results of a research done by a volunteer acting for Francegenweb is forbidden.
To respect the conditions of the departmental archives BLIM, you undertake to only have a private and personal use of the obtained records.
No demand will be accepted by email..
The possibility of joining the coordinator by email, is to be used only to contact about a possible problem with your demand.
Si vous avez opté pour une recherche dans une autre commune que celles listées indiquez "Autre Commune" dans le menu déroulant, et le NOM figurant sur votre ACTE de BASE en commentaires. Et surtout, PAS celui de la commune actuelle après remembrement.
Il ne sert à RIEN de demander une copie d'acte dans les commentaires, les bénévoles n'en font pas.
Il en va de même pour une photo numérique ... de nombreux bénévoles ne possèdent pas de tels appareils.
Be careful ! Fileds marked with a star are compulsory !
Be careful ! With the number of demands, those which will not be in accordance, will be systematically rejected, in particular :
The undated demands or having a date not taken care by this department,
A too big gap between the dates (1 to 10 years according to the size of the municipality),
Demands without a precise municipality, or several municipalities for the same demand,
Only one spouse for marriage,
Several patronymics on the same demand,
Demands directly sent to the volunteer,
Demands concerning the acts of less than 75 years (law obliges).
Demands which will have a commercial use of the transmitted pictures.
:: To avoid abuses, each demand will be associated with an IP address :: Good searches !